Napoli Mark
Napoli glass by Mount Washington is one of the most difficult lines to locate. At first glance you would not expect this clear glass to be especially valuable. Each Napoli article was hand painted on the inside, and in some cases the outside was then lined with a gilt highlight. Each example should be marked on the bottom in gold enamel. with the word Napoli, followed by the shape number. If silver was used, then it is not uncommon to see a mark on the silver of “MW” for Mount Washington. Each Napoli shape was unique to that one line. No other Mount Washington products used the same styles.
The following images are just a sample of what can be found from the Napoli line. In addition to Palmer Cox Brownies, you can also expect to find some farm animals. Other shapes include cracker jars and marmalades.
- Napoli Cup by Mount Washington
- Napoli Salt Shakers with Palmer Cox Brownies
If you need help appraising or valuing your Napoli glass, then please contact us. We are available by email: Manning@MtWashingtonGlass.com.